Sara Benincasa – Mike Pesca
Sara Benincasa is a comedian, an interview host, and an author. Mike Pesca is a journalist, an interview host, and an editor. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Sara Benincasa and Mike Pesca.
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Episodes with Sara Benincasa & Mike Pesca
Mike Pesca
Gary Gulman
+ Chris Gethard
+ Sara Benincasa
24 Mar 2016
• EN
Crazy Funny with Sara Benincasa, Chris Gethard, and Gary Gulman
On The Gist, a classic episode from August 2014. When Amy Solomon was growing up in Chicago, she was obsessed with Gilda Radner. She wanted to be a comedian but worried she didn’t have enough problems to talk about. For her Princeton senior thesis, Solomon explored the link between confessional comedy and mental health