Rune – Simon Bergqvist
Rune is a software developer and an interview host. Simon Bergqvist is a business executive and software developer. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Rune and Simon Bergqvist.
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Episodes with Rune & Simon Bergqvist
The story about Mulle Meck turns 30 years old this year, and a new game is in development for the first time in a long time. Tune in to this week’s episode to hear Simon Bergqvist and Anna Frew from Shaping Games discuss the new game and what to expect! Your Hosts and Their Games - The signup l
Trailer - Interview With Shaping Games About the New Mulle Meck Game
We interviewed Anna Frew and Simon Bergqvist from Shaping Games about the new Mulle Meck game they are working on, stay tuned for when the episode comes out in March! Until then, you can meet them in person, along with the author of Mulle Meck, George Johansson, and the illustrator Jens Ahlbom at the eCarExpo at Friend