Robert F. Kennedy Jr – Matt Taibbi

Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a lawyer, an interview host, and a non-profit executive. Matt Taibbi is a journalist, an author, and an essayist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Matt Taibbi.

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Episodes with Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Matt Taibbi

Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Matt Taibbi 12 Jun 2023 • EN

Censorship and Twitter Files with Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi discusses the Twitter files and censorship in this episode with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In December 2022, Twitter CEO Elon Musk released internal documents detailing censorship, blacklisting, and other practices to Matt Taibbi and other journalists. Matthew Colin Taibbi is an American author, journalist, and

45 min
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