Rob Johnson – Terrence McNally

Rob Johnson is an investor and interview host. Terrence McNally is a journalist, an interview host, and a media personality. We found 5 podcast interviews connecting Rob Johnson and Terrence McNally.

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Episodes with Rob Johnson & Terrence McNally

I share election reflections with ROB JOHNSON, President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking ( and host of the podcast Economics and Beyond. What happened? Who made the difference? How could so many vote for the party of grievance and lies? Why does the “good news” feel so profoundly disappoint

61 min
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Terrence McNally, the host of the podcast Free Forum: A World that just Might Work, interviews Rob about the current state of the world and what needs to happen for us to get out of the mess in which we find ourselves.

63 min
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Biden has been President for just over a year. I last spoke with ROB JOHNSON of the Institute for New Economic Thinking November 5th 2020, two days after the polls closed, though the Presidential race had yet to be called. We’ll talk not so much about how the administration is doing – though that matters and we’ll touc

62 min
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Terrence McNally & Rob Johnson 06 Nov 2020 • EN

ROB JOHNSON-Relief - but no congratulations. Dems must be bolder.

It lookls as if Joe Biden will win a very tight electoral college victory against arguably the worst president in history in the midst of a deadly pandemic and crippled economy the incumbent has bungled disastrously. How could this election even be close? ROB JOHNSON, Executive Director of the Institute for New Economi

60 min
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Prior to the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Rob Johnson served as Chief Economist of the US Senate Banking Committee and a DIrector at Soros Fund Management. He also worked in the music and film industries (Exec Producer, Oscar winning doc, Taxi to the Dark Side). "The concentration of wealth and power that creat

59 min
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