Rebekah Buchanan – Allison Ochs

Rebekah Buchanan is a linguist, an interview host, and a social scientist. Allison Ochs is an author, a consultant, and an entrepreneur. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Rebekah Buchanan and Allison Ochs.

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Episodes with Rebekah Buchanan & Allison Ochs

Rebekah Buchanan & Allison Ochs 31 Jan 2020 • EN

Allison Ochs, "Would I Have Sexted Back in the 80s?" (Amsterdam UP, 2019)

In her new books, Would I Have Sexted Back in the 80s?: A Modern Guide to Parenting Digital Teens, Derived from Lessons of the Past (Amsterdam University Press, 2019), Allison Ochs combines experiences from her childhood with her research and expertise on teens and teen culture to write about experiences of teens and p

67 min
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