Rick Barker – Judy Rodman
Rick Barker is a music producer, an interview host, and an entrepreneur. Judy Rodman is a coach / mentor, an interview host, and an actor. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Rick Barker and Judy Rodman.
Feel free to follow both profiles to receive their upcoming podcast interview appearances in your personal feed.
Episodes with Rick Barker & Judy Rodman
This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at AllThingsVocal.com. Today's episode is the 2nd part of my interview with Rick Barker… music business mastermind and artist development hero. Listen to this All Things Vocal podcast episode to get insider tips for creating and growing a successful music business.
Interview With Music Biz Mastermind Rick Barker - Part 1
This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at AllThingsVocal.com. Today I interview Rick Barker… a highly successful music mogul and mentor who teaches artists to be successful with their careers.. Listen to this All Things Vocal podcast episode to get insider tips for creating and growing a successful musi