Paul Jay – Rob Johnson

Paul Jay is a journalist and an interview host. Rob Johnson is an investor and interview host. We found 4 podcast interviews connecting Paul Jay and Rob Johnson.

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Episodes with Paul Jay & Rob Johnson

Paul Jay & Rob Johnson 30 Dec 2022 • EN

Time Bomb in Global Finance – Rob Johnson

A Bank for International Settlements study says 60+ trillion dollars of off-the-books currency swaps could be a profound, systematic risk. Robert Johnson joins Paul Jay on

44 min
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Paul Jay & Rob Johnson 20 Jan 2021 • EN

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair? – Rob Johnson

As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders can force votes on Medicare for All and cuts to the military budget. He will face opposition from the GOP and within the Democratic Party. Rob Johnson was a Senior Economist for the Budget Committee and Chief Economist for the Senate Banking Committee. He joins Pa

1 min
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Documentarian Paul Jay talks to Rob Johnson about how major investment fund managers, such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, exercise enormous control over public companies, where they use voting rights to stymie efforts to curb climate change.

62 min
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Paul Jay & Rob Johnson 21 May 2020 • EN

Sometimes Denial is Comforting – Rob Johnson

If Biden wins and doesn’t take on the deep structural changes that are needed, he will prepare the waters for the next Trump or worse. Rob Johnson on podcast with Paul Jay

46 min
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