Neal Stephenson – Kara Swisher
Neal Stephenson is an author, a novelist, and a consultant. Kara Swisher is a journalist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Neal Stephenson and Kara Swisher.
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Episodes with Neal Stephenson & Kara Swisher
Kara Swisher
Neal Stephenson
13 Dec 2021
• EN
Buy an Earth Suit, Shoot Sulfur into the Atmosphere (And Other Contingency Plans for a Warming Earth)
We are quickly approaching the dystopian future that Neal Stephenson outlined in his 1992 best seller “Snow Crash.” That book anticipated and coined the term “metaverse,” a concept that almost 30 years later has become a reality for many gamers, and the North Star for a certain Mark Zuckerberg. In his latest book, “Ter