Michele Gelfand – David Sloan Wilson
Michele Gelfand is a psychologist, an author, and a social scientist. David Sloan Wilson is an interview host, a biologist, and a media personality. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Michele Gelfand and David Sloan Wilson.
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Episodes with Michele Gelfand & David Sloan Wilson
Tightening and Loosening Up for the Coronavirus Pandemic with Michele Gelfand
TVOL's first podcast with Michele Gelfand explored an axis of cultural variation from "tight" (strong norms, strongly enforced) to "loose" (tolerant of individual differences). In this new podcast, we explore the distinctive blend of tightness and looseness needed to adapt to the pandemic. Related Material Michele's
Most people think of cultural differences in terms of race, class, nationality, or religion. Michele Gelfand introduces the concept of 'tight" and "loose", which cuts across all of those other categories. Michele is a distinguished professor of psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park and joins David to