Marquita Bradshaw – Nomiki Konst

Marquita Bradshaw is a public official, social scientist, and journalist. Nomiki Konst is a journalist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Marquita Bradshaw and Nomiki Konst.

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Episodes with Marquita Bradshaw & Nomiki Konst

Nomiki Konst & Nabilah Islam + Jordan Zakarin + Marquita Bradshaw 22 Oct 2020 • EN

10/21/20 - Marquita Bradshaw, Jordan Zakarin, Nabilah Islam

Marquita Bradshaw won the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate position in Tennessee. She serves as the Tennessee Sierra Club’s environmental justice chair. Bradshaw supports the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, and was endorsed by the Sunrise Movement, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, among others. https:

50 min
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