Mark Gagliardi – Chris Mancini
Mark Gagliardi is an actor and interview host. Chris Mancini is a screenwriter, comedian, and film director. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Mark Gagliardi and Chris Mancini.
Feel free to follow both profiles to receive their upcoming podcast interview appearances in your personal feed.
Episodes with Mark Gagliardi & Chris Mancini
#336 - Best Dr. Seuss Book with Chris Mancini
We're joined by our pal Chris Mancini to plumbs the depths of our collective youth and find the best Dr. Seuss book of all time, ONCE AND FOR ALL. Support Chris's Kickstarter for "Rise of the Kung Fu Dragon Master VOL 2" here!
#250 - Best SNL Movie with Chris Mancini
We celebrate episode 250 by talking SNL with guest Chris Mancini, whose Kickstarter for Rise of the Kung Fu Dragon Master ends Tuesday 12/10, and answering YOUR questions and feedback in our first ever Mailbag!