Lori Lee – Jessica Burrell

Lori Lee is an author and interview host. Jessica Burrell is a coach / mentor. We found 5 podcast interviews connecting Lori Lee and Jessica Burrell.

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Episodes with Lori Lee & Jessica Burrell

Lori Lee & Jessica Burrell 02 Nov 2022 • EN

Episode 231: Life Hack - Clearing Conversations

Episode 231: Life Hack - Clearing Conversations: 5 Steps to Clearing Up Miscommunication November is a set of 3 episodes called 15-minute life hacks. I’m calling the November nudges. Each episode is a quick reminder of a life tool to inspire and help you connect to the world around you as you create your best life stor

21 min
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Lori Lee & Jessica Burrell 29 Jun 2022 • EN

What Energy Do You Source?

Episode 222: Hero On A Mission, Part 2- With Jessica Burrell Donald Miller says, in his book,  Hero On A Mission, “Life is a beautiful experience and we get to participate in making it so….the idea that fate writes our story is a lie. We do not suffer fate, we partner with fate to write a story generated from our own G

27 min
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Lori Lee & Jessica Burrell 15 Jun 2022 • EN

Episode 221: Hero on a Mission, Part 1 - with Jessica Burrell

Episode 221: Hero on a Mission, Part 1 - with Jessica Burrell Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast! Today’s episode is a double whammy of goodness because we are going to be discussing some really fun ideas for moving our lives forward, from Donald Miller’s book - Hero on a Mission, and we’re doing it with Jessica Bu

26 min
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Episode 210: 3 Tips for Being Exceptional with Co-Host Jessica Burrell Let's start off 2022 with 3 Tips for Being Exceptional. Join us in the audio program to hear the discussion about being exceptional and what these tips mean in much more detail: 3-Tips: #1 - It's How We Do What We Do. #2 - Be the Miracle #3 - Get of

28 min
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Lori Lee & Jessica Burrell 15 Dec 2021 • EN

Episode 208: What Do I Magnify?

Episode 208: What Do I Magnify? Whatever I see through the magnifying glass grows bigger. It is up to me where I focus that lense. At the beginning of the year I mentioned that my focus for the year was “What I focus on Expands.” We talked about that earlier, so today’s discussion is a little different - we’re talking

36 min
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