Logan Bartlett – Kara Swisher
Logan Bartlett is a business executive and an interview host. Kara Swisher is a journalist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Logan Bartlett and Kara Swisher.
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Episodes with Logan Bartlett & Kara Swisher
Logan Bartlett
Kara Swisher
13 Jan 2023
• EN
EP 47: Kara Swisher (Founder, Recode) - Tech journalist and podcaster on the evolution of the tech industry, Propaganda vs Journalism, Elon & Who Should Run Twitter
In the 47th episode journalist and host of the Pivot podcast, Kara Swisher joins to discuss the changes in tech and founders from when she started vs today. Plus the art of interviewing, propaganda vs journalism, the importance of being true to yourself and not caring what people think. (0:00) Introducing Kara Swisher