Laura McClellan – Mike Vardy
Laura McClellan is an interview host, a lawyer, and a media personality. Mike Vardy is an interview host, entrepreneur, and author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Laura McClellan and Mike Vardy.
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Episodes with Laura McClellan & Mike Vardy
In this podcast episode, I've decided to make the first of our bonus episodes available to everyone - even those not currently patrons. This episode marks the return of Laura McClellan to discuss the idea of theming further - along with much more! If you'd like to support The Productivityist Podcast and receive additio
This episode features a lengthy discussion with the host of The Productive Woman – and a productive woman in her own right – Laura McClellan. We chat about the possible differences that women and men approach productivity as well, productivity tactics to explore, and how she manages to deal with everything in her life.