Kristen Fortney – Olivia Webb
Kristen Fortney is a biologist, a business executive, and an interview host. Olivia Webb is a consultant and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Kristen Fortney and Olivia Webb.
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Episodes with Kristen Fortney & Olivia Webb
Kristen Fortney
Vijay Pande
+ Olivia Webb
03 Feb 2023
• EN
Healthspan, Lifespan, and the Biology of Aging
In this cross-over episode from Bio Eats World, Kristen Fortney, cofounder and CEO of BioAge, joins Vijay Pande, founding partner of a16z Bio + Health, and Olivia Webb, editorial lead, to discuss the biology of aging, how she started a company, and some fun things — like how long a hypothetical venture capitalist can e