John Klar – James H. Kunstler

John Klar is a media personality, an author, and a lawyer. James H. Kunstler is an author, interview host, and essayist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting John Klar and James H. Kunstler.

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Episodes with John Klar & James H. Kunstler

John Klar is a Vermont farmer and Lawyer. He is currently representing the Politella family in an upcoming SCOTUS case concerning their six-year-old son who was vaccinated by his local school officials against the express orders of the boy’s parents. John is the author of the forthcoming book, Farm Hard or Starve  and

John Klar is the author of Small Farm Republic: Why Conservatives Must Embrace Local Agriculture, Reject Climate Alarmism, and Lead an Environmental Revival, just published by Chelsea Green. John is seventh-generation Vermonter who lives in Brookfield, where he raises grass-fed lamb and beef. Before that, he worked as

63 min
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