Kirby Conrod – Gretchen McCulloch

Kirby Conrod is a linguist. Gretchen McCulloch is a linguist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Kirby Conrod and Gretchen McCulloch.

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Episodes with Kirby Conrod & Gretchen McCulloch

Gretchen McCulloch & Kirby Conrod 17 Apr 2020 • EN

43: The grammar of singular they - Interview with Kirby Conrod

Using “they” to refer to a single person is about as old as using “you” to refer to a single person: for example, Shakespeare has a line “There's not a man I meet but doth salute me. As if I were their well-acquainted friend”, and the Oxford English Dictionary has citations for both going back to the 14th century. More

42 min
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