Ken Sheldon – Scott Barry Kaufman
Ken Sheldon is a psychologist and an author. Scott Barry Kaufman is a cognitive scientist and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Ken Sheldon and Scott Barry Kaufman.
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Episodes with Ken Sheldon & Scott Barry Kaufman
Today we welcome back Ken Sheldon to the podcast. Ken is a Curator's Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science at the University of Columbia, Missouri. He has written and edited over 200 academic books, scholarly articles, and book chapters. Among these, some of his most notable work include Optimal Human Being
“The happiest person is the person doing good stuff for good reasons.” — Kennon Sheldon Dr. Kennon Sheldon is a psychologist at the University of Missouri who studies motivation, goals, and well-being, from both a self-determination theory and a positive psychology perspective. He has authored or co-authored multiple b