Joshua Johnson – Chuck Todd

Joshua Johnson is a journalist. Chuck Todd is a journalist and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Joshua Johnson and Chuck Todd.

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Episodes with Joshua Johnson & Chuck Todd

In 2020, Black voters turned out in large numbers for Joe Biden, giving him a nearly 30-point win over Bernie Sanders — proving, once again, the power of the Democrats’ most loyal constituency. That influence is rooted in the work of politically active black pastors who get souls to the polls, crown winners with endors

28 min
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Chuck Todd & Joshua Johnson + Kara Swisher 26 Dec 2019 • EN

Weaponizing Disinformation: Kara Swisher and Joshua Johnson

"Alternative facts," "fake news," gaslighting," "conspiracy theory," are all terms that get thrown around a lot in our politics nowadays. How do we determine what's real versus what is really fake and how can the press and tech companies fix the problem?

24 min
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