Jon Krohn – Noam Brown

Jon Krohn is a computer scientist and an interview host. Noam Brown is a computer scientist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Jon Krohn and Noam Brown.

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Episodes with Jon Krohn & Noam Brown

Jon Krohn & Noam Brown 26 Apr 2022 • EN

SDS 569: A.I. For Crushing Humans at Poker and Board Games

Research Scientist at Meta AI, Dr. Noam Brown, joins Jon Krohn to discuss his award-winning no-limit poker-playing algorithms and the real-world implications of his game-playing A.I. breakthroughs. In this episode you will learn: • What Meta A.I. is and how it fits into Meta, the company [3:01] • Noam's award-winning n

44 min
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