John Hausdoerffer – Kamea Chayne

John Hausdoerffer is a philosopher and an author. Kamea Chayne is an interview host, a multimedia producer, and an author. We found 1 podcast interview connecting John Hausdoerffer and Kamea Chayne.

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Episodes with John Hausdoerffer & Kamea Chayne

Kamea Chayne & John Hausdoerffer 25 Jan 2022 • EN

341) John Hausdoerffer: Re-embodying our roles as placelings

What does it mean to understand our roles not as Earthlings but as “Placelings”? And as we deepen into the work of collective healing, what underlies the invitation to reframe the preservation of "wildness” into a re-establishment of “kinship”? John Hausdoerffer, Ph.D., is an author and teacher from Crested Butte, Colo

54 min
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