John Aidan Byrne – Dick Bove

John Aidan Byrne is an interview host, a media personality, and an editor. Dick Bove is an economist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting John Aidan Byrne and Dick Bove.

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Episodes with John Aidan Byrne & Dick Bove

On this episode two distinguished experts, NATHAN LEWIS and DICK BOVE, lay out the case for the control of profligate spending and the easy money policies of the US Federal Reserve. This spending, in the form of trillions of dollars in "quantitative easing" by the Fed and massive stimulus programs and outlays by the go

25 min
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NATHAN LEWIS, an internationally renowned expert on money and taxes, is the co-author of the Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It. The book explains what’s behind the worst inflationary storm in more than forty years—one that is dominating the headlines and shaking Americans by their pocketbooks. The

58 min
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