Jo Firestone – Naomi Ekperigin

Jo Firestone is an actor and a comedian. Naomi Ekperigin is a comedian, an interview host, and an actor. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Jo Firestone and Naomi Ekperigin.

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Episodes with Jo Firestone & Naomi Ekperigin

Andy Beckerman + Naomi Ekperigin & Jo Firestone 03 Oct 2023 • EN

Jo Firestone

One of our best pals just published her first novel, that's right, Jo Firestone is a published author, and we've got her on the show today! Let's see here, WGA strike is over, so we can mention something, I think, Jo is a wonderful stand-up, she was the head writer for Ziwe's show, and yeah, like we said, she just wrot

86 min
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