Jill Sirianni – Jamila Souffrant

Jill Sirianni is an interview host. Jamila Souffrant is an interview host, an entrepreneur, and a coach / mentor. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Jill Sirianni and Jamila Souffrant.

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Episodes with Jill Sirianni & Jamila Souffrant

Jill Sirianni + Jen Smith & Jamila Souffrant 19 Mar 2021 • EN

Financial Independence 101 w/ Jamila Souffrant

For many, financial independence is the "why" behind a frugal lifestyle. How to achieve freedom within our finances is no easy task, which is why we"re thrilled to have Jamila"s insight into this topic as she shares some of the steps we can take to make wise decisions with our finances. Click here for full show notes!

44 min
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