Jessica Rose – Mike Farris
Jessica Rose is an interview host, a biologist, and a mathematician. Mike Farris is an interview host. We found 4 podcast interviews connecting Jessica Rose and Mike Farris.
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Episodes with Jessica Rose & Mike Farris
Dr. Jessica Rose is a musician, artist, surfer, Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology and one in Biochemistry. S
Dr. Jessica Rose is a musician, artist, surfer, Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology and one in Biochemistry. O
Dr. Jessica Rose is a musician, artist, surfer, Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology and one in Biochemistry. S
Dr. Jessica Rose is a musician, artist, surfer, Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology and one in Biochemistry. S