Jeremy Daly – Swizec Teller
Jeremy Daly is an interview host, a business executive, and a consultant. Swizec Teller is a software developer, an athlete, and a media personality. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Jeremy Daly and Swizec Teller.
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Episodes with Jeremy Daly & Swizec Teller
Jeremy Daly
+ Rebecca Marshburn
Swizec Teller
02 May 2022
• EN
Episode #135: Serverless for Frontend Engineers with Swizec Teller
About Swizec Teller Swizec Teller has been programming for the web since the early 2000's. From a server in his bedroom to web scale cloud ecosystems making millions of dollars. The sysadmin part always annoyed him. Too fiddly. Serverless caught his eye as the perfect answer for quick to get started, easy for engineers