James Pethokoukis – Tyler Cowen

James Pethokoukis is a journalist, an interview host, and an essayist. Tyler Cowen is an economist, interview host, and author. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting James Pethokoukis and Tyler Cowen.

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Episodes with James Pethokoukis & Tyler Cowen

James Pethokoukis & Tyler Cowen 25 May 2022 • EN

Tyler Cowen: Spotting Talent in the Modern Economy

From job interviews to college admissions, identifying and allocating talent plays a big role in the modern economy. But what is talent? And how well can we pick it out from a quick conversation or a glance at a resume? Returning to Political Economy to answer those questions is Tyler Cowen. Tyler holds the Holbert L.

20 min
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James Pethokoukis & Tyler Cowen 11 May 2019 • EN

Tyler Cowen on big business

On this episode, economics professor Tyler Cowen discusses his new book "Big Business: A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero." The post Tyler Cowen on big business appeared first on American Enterprise Institute - AEI.

28 min
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Some have argued that we are at Peak America – as in, we’ve hit a plateau economically. What kinds of repercussions does that have for culture and American society more generally? And has postwar American culture itself contributed to decreasing economic dynamism? Tyler Cowen addresses these questions in his new book,

35 min
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