Iris Berent – Indre Viskontas

Iris Berent is a cognitive scientist, a psychologist, and an author. Indre Viskontas is an interview host, a biologist, and a musician. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Iris Berent and Indre Viskontas.

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Episodes with Iris Berent & Indre Viskontas

Indre Viskontas & Iris Berent 05 Jul 2021 • EN

Thinking about Thinking about Yourself with Iris Berent

What are your thoughts regarding the relationship between the mind and the brain? For that matter, what are your thoughts? Iris Berent has definitely done some deep thinking on these questions, unearthing the stories we tell ourselves about what we know and who we are as well as the impact these stories can have. She s

42 min
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