Hunter Maats – Michael Garfield
Hunter Maats is an interview host, an author, and a journalist. Michael Garfield is an artist, an interview host, and a futurist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Hunter Maats and Michael Garfield.
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Episodes with Hunter Maats & Michael Garfield
Ep 304 - Evolution Never Ends: Michael Garfield Enters The Dojo
Michael Garfield is a paleontologist who brings the study of the longest imaginable evolutionary timeline to the study of the future. If you’re looking for a new intellectual rabbit hole to fall down, then Michael’s Future Fossils podcast is a great choice. You can also read excerpts from his upcoming book How to Live
39 - Hunter Maats (The Future of Education & Knowledge Transmission)
This week’s guest is Hunter Maats, host of the Mixed Mental Arts Podcast and co-author of The Straight-A Conspiracy. We talk about the future of education and human collaboration – moving past a world of routine factory-worker indoctrination and the “insane cargo cult” of the academic system, and into a new model for t