Emre Tekişalp – Richard Yan
Emre Tekişalp is a business executive, an investor, and an economist. Richard Yan is an interview host, a business executive, and a software developer. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Emre Tekişalp and Richard Yan.
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Episodes with Emre Tekişalp & Richard Yan
Richard Yan
Emre Tekişalp
+ Anatoly Yakovenko
+ Uri Klarman
10 Aug 2020
• EN
Motion: Today's blockchains can't increase TPS without taking a hit on decentralization (Emre Tekişalp vs. Anatoly Yakovenko, cohost: Uri Klarman)
Guests: Emre Tekişalp (@etekis) Anatoly Yakovenko (@aeyakovenko) Hosts: Richard Yan (@gentso09) Uri Klarman (@uriklarman, special co-host) Today’s motion is “Today’s blockchains can’t increase TPS without taking a hit on decentralization.” Today’s guests are from two different public blockchains Coda and Solana. The CE