Emily P. Freeman – Jen Hatmaker
Emily P. Freeman is an interview host, an author, and a journalist. Jen Hatmaker is an author, a media personality, and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Emily P. Freeman and Jen Hatmaker.
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Episodes with Emily P. Freeman & Jen Hatmaker
Jen Hatmaker
Emily P. Freeman
24 Jan 2019
• EN
Stuck? Just Do the Next Right Thing: Emily P. Freeman
When you have no idea what to do next, it feels like you’re drowning in a lake of neverending to-do lists, homework, laundry, and dreams on hold. In a word, it’s *overwhelming.* How do we begin to take charge and find a way out of the chaos? In the words of our next guest: just do the next right thing (FYI: “NEXT” is t