Emily Dufton – Jay Shifman
Emily Dufton is an author, an interview host, and a historian. Jay Shifman is an interview host and a media personality. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Emily Dufton and Jay Shifman.
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Episodes with Emily Dufton & Jay Shifman
Jay Shifman
Emily Dufton
23 Jul 2021
• EN
NORML and the Parent Movement, Weed's Long, Strange Trip to Just Say No with Emily Dufton
Season 2, Episode 57! NORML and the Parent Movement, Weed's Long, Strange Trip to Just Say No This week's guest is Emily Dufton! Emily is an incredible researcher who is probably best known for her book Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America. Jay reads a lot of drug policy and history books and