Elizabeth Novogratz – Alexandra Horowitz

Elizabeth Novogratz is a business executive, an interview host, and a philanthropist. Alexandra Horowitz is a cognitive scientist and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Elizabeth Novogratz and Alexandra Horowitz.

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Episodes with Elizabeth Novogratz & Alexandra Horowitz

Elizabeth Novogratz & Alexandra Horowitz 24 Mar 2022 • EN

Alexandra Horowitz: The World According To Your Dog

Today we are re-sharing one of our favorite episodes, a conversation with Alexandra Horowitz.    “I can drive my car off a cliff and just leave it where it lay, the most I'll get is a littering fine, and if you throw your dog off the cliff the punishment is actually pretty similar. That's because they're the same type

42 min
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Elizabeth Novogratz & Alexandra Horowitz 13 May 2021 • EN

Alexandra Horowitz: The World According to Your Dog

“I can drive my car off a cliff and just leave it where it lay, the most I'll get is a littering fine, and if you throw your dog off the cliff the punishment is actually pretty similar. That's because they're the same type of thing to the law. So, unless you change that status, and you have people of course, who are th

42 min
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