Justin Drake – Sunny Aggarwal

Justin Drake is an investor and a statistician. Sunny Aggarwal is an entrepreneur, a media personality, and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Justin Drake and Sunny Aggarwal.

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Episodes with Justin Drake & Sunny Aggarwal

+ Meher Roy + Brian Crain + Sebastien Couture + Sunny Aggarwal Friederike Ernst & Justin Drake 27 Nov 2018 • EN

Justin Drake: Ethereum’s Audacious Roadmap to Build a True World Computer

The Ethereum vision has always been to create a world computer. But its scalability and performance limitations have meant that it has fallen far short of that vision. Yet, work on scaling Ethereum has exploded in breadth and complexity over the past years. From variants of PoS, to Plasma / Plasma Cash, sharding, EWASM

71 min
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