Douglas Rushkoff – Brian Keating

Douglas Rushkoff is a media theorist, an interview host, and an author. Brian Keating is an astrophysicist, a physicist, and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Douglas Rushkoff and Brian Keating.

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Episodes with Douglas Rushkoff & Brian Keating

Douglas Rushkoff & Brian Keating 18 Apr 2018 • EN

Brian Keating "Honey, I Shrunk the Cosmos"

“Everyone wants to be a cowboy, but no one wants to ride the range.” A dream of unraveling the mystery of the birth of universe led astrophysicist and author Brian Keating to "saddle up" and head to a frozen ocean of snow at the bottom of the world. Keating joins Rushkoff to talk about science, religion, questions that

62 min
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