Douglas Murray – Megyn Kelly

Douglas Murray is an author. Megyn Kelly is a journalist and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Douglas Murray and Megyn Kelly.

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Episodes with Douglas Murray & Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly is joined by the brilliant Douglas Murray, author of the new book, "The War on the West," to talk about the liberal meltdown over Elon Musk buying Twitter, Musk standing up for free speech, Brian Stelter of CNN demanding rules at parties, Ari Melber of MSNBC not understanding his hypocrisy, Jon Stewart's sh

97 min
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Megyn Kelly is joined by Douglas Murray, author of "The Madness of Crowds" and associate editor of The Spectator, to talk about overcoming tribalism, our current political climate, the asymmetry of wokeness, COVID lockdowns and hypocrisy, the rise of victimhood, the way children are put on a pedestal in our current cul

119 min
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