Doree Shafrir – Aaron Lammer

Doree Shafrir is an interview host, author, and editor. Aaron Lammer is an interview host and entrepreneur. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Doree Shafrir and Aaron Lammer.

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Episodes with Doree Shafrir & Aaron Lammer

Evan Ratliff + Aaron Lammer + Max Linsky & Doree Shafrir 04 Aug 2021 • EN

Episode 450: Doree Shafrir

Doree Shafrir is a co-host of the podcast Forever35, the former executive editor of Buzzfeed, and the author of the new memoir Thanks for Waiting: The Joy (& Weirdness) of Being a Late Bloomer.”Right now I can make my living from podcasting, but I don’t know what the advertising market for podcasts is going to look lik

49 min
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