Dick Costolo – Kara Swisher

Dick Costolo is an entrepreneur and interview host. Kara Swisher is a journalist and an interview host. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Dick Costolo and Kara Swisher.

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Episodes with Dick Costolo & Kara Swisher

Remember social media before Donald Trump’s presidency? Dick Costolo does. He was Twitter’s chief executive from 2010 to 2015. And despite being in the hot seat for certain content moderation decisions during his tenure, Costolo thinks that platforms have the right to take down whatever and whomever they want. Costolo

36 min
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Kara Swisher + Dick Costolo & Alexandra Petri 24 Jan 2018 • EN

Recode Decode: Alexandra Petri, columnist, the Washington Post

Alexandra Petri, who writes the Compost blog for The Washington Post, talks with Recode’s Kara Swisher and Chorus CEO Dick Costolo about making fun of politics. Petri says some politicans have a sense of humor about her columns, but others don’t like it or don’t get the joke — the Trump White House once distributed one

52 min
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Kara Swisher & Dick Costolo 03 Jan 2018 • EN

Recode Decode: Dick Costolo, CEO, Chorus

Chorus CEO Dick Costolo, the former CEO of Twitter, talks with Recode's Kara Swisher about why he loves comedy and why his peers in the tech community are so infrequently "in on the joke." Before he was a tech entrepreneur, Costolo wanted to be a comedian, taking improv classes at Second City in Chicago in the hopes of

64 min
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Kara Swisher & Dick Costolo 07 Dec 2015 • EN

Recode Decode: Dick Costolo, Former Twitter CEO

Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo sits down with Kara Swisher to talk about what he's doing next, what he thinks of Twitter's future under Jack Dorsey and why men often fail to "do diversity." Later, Lauren Goode wheels in to Kara's desk to answer readers' questions about "hoverboards." Learn more about your ad choices.

55 min
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