Debbie Millman – James Altucher

Debbie Millman is a designer and an interview host. James Altucher is an interview host, investor, and author. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Debbie Millman and James Altucher.

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Episodes with Debbie Millman & James Altucher

James Altucher & Debbie Millman 14 Mar 2017 • EN

Ep. 218 - Debbie Millman: Create Identity then Impact

Ben (of Ben & Jerry's) was in the room. He needed a logo. Debbie Millman just started her agency. She was competing against the best ad agencies in New York City. She lost. So she moved on to Burger King. "Why do you think you lost?" "We didn't have insurance," Debbie said. "We didn't have the big, global brand experie

69 min
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