David French – Jonah Goldberg
David French is an interview host, a media personality, and an author. Jonah Goldberg is an essayist, an interview host, and a journalist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting David French and Jonah Goldberg.
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Episodes with David French & Jonah Goldberg
Sick with a nasty fever, Jonah approaches today’s Remnant not as an emergency podcast, but a podcast imbued with a sense of emergency. His guest is David French, who returns for a lengthy discussion of Ron DeSantis’ feud with Disney and what it reveals about American polarization. Also on the docket is what we can expe
In this episode of The Remnant, National Review senior editor David French joins Jonah for a wide-ranging discussion of politics and pop culture and Jonah’s new media venture. Show Notes: Get NR Plus to listen to episode five, with guests Ben Sasse and David French Tennessee testicle dipper David French’s National Revi