David Ignatius – Stefanie Tompkins

David Ignatius is a journalist, an interview host, and a novelist. Stefanie Tompkins is a geographer and public official. We found 1 podcast interview connecting David Ignatius and Stefanie Tompkins.

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Episodes with David Ignatius & Stefanie Tompkins

David Ignatius & Robert Gates + Stefanie Tompkins 19 Nov 2021 • EN

Robert Gates and Stefanie Tompkins on inspiring the next generation of public servants

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius speaks with the 22nd U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Stefanie Tompkins, the director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on strategies to galvanize a new generation of public servants and instill a “start-up” kind of enthusiasm.

51 min
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