Dan Loney – Christopher Yoo

Dan Loney is an interview host. Christopher Yoo is a lawyer, computer scientist, and social scientist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Dan Loney and Christopher Yoo.

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Episodes with Dan Loney & Christopher Yoo

Dan Loney & Jennifer Golbeck + Christopher Yoo 04 Dec 2017 • EN

FCC Internet Regulations/Net Neutrality Discussion with Christopher Yoo and Jen Golbeck

The Federal Communications Commission Chairman, Ajit Pai, is moving to repeal net neutrality rules put in place by the Obama administration. Telecom companies fought the rules, which prohibit high-speed internet service providers from slowing down or stopping website delivery. Host Dan Loney talks with Christopher Yoo,

23 min
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Business Radio Special: Host Dan Loney is LIVE from the academic conference "After the Digital Tornado" in Philadelphia. Dan talks with Christopher Yoo, Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania, about how we can balance the good and the bad that comes along

24 min
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