Roger Williams – Josh Baker

Roger Williams is an author, a coach / mentor, and an interview host. Josh Baker is an entrepreneur and interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Roger Williams and Josh Baker.

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Episodes with Roger Williams & Josh Baker

Start your new year (and season) with an episode that brings new meaning to bucket lists. Roger Williams is the host of the Crossing it off Podcast which aims to help people cross things off their bucket list. Roger opens the new year sharing why we should focus on creating a bucket list, rather than New Year's Resolut

37 min
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Josh Baker & Roger Williams 23 Mar 2022 • EN

"Cross It Off and Live Your Best Life" feat. Roger Williams

Listen to Roger talk about his experience living a life where crossing things off a bucket list is a reality. He gives advice to others about how to create and execute a bucket list. Roger also challenges everyone to set goals and that no matter how crazy your vision may be, GO FOR IT! Tune in now to learn more about R

31 min
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