Charles Coutinho – Nigel Biggar

Charles Coutinho is a non-profit executive and an interview host. Nigel Biggar is a philosopher and an author. We found 11 podcast interviews connecting Charles Coutinho and Nigel Biggar.

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Episodes with Charles Coutinho & Nigel Biggar

Charles Coutinho & Nigel Biggar 25 Sep 2023 • EN

Nigel Biggar, "Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning" (William Collins, 2023)

In the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1989, many believed that we had arrived at the 'End of History' - that the global dominance of liberal democracy had been secured forever. Now however, with Russia rattling its sabre on the borders of Europe and China rising to challenge the post-1945 world order,

78 min
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