Chad Bown – Michael Klein

Chad Bown is an economist, interview host, and author. Michael Klein is an economist, interview host, and author. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Chad Bown and Michael Klein.

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Episodes with Chad Bown & Michael Klein

Michael Klein & Chad Bown 12 Feb 2023 • EN

The Broader Impact of Trade Restrictions in the U.S.

A central result from economic theory is that nations benefit from international trade (even as there is a recognition that not all people within a country may benefit). But recently there have been calls for the United States to restrict trade by creating incentives or rules that favor domestic production over purchas

1 min
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Michael Klein & Chad Bown 23 May 2022 • EN

Chad Bown on COVID-19 and the Economics of Vaccine Development

Intervention by the United States government helped the rapid development and large scale production of three COVID-19 vaccines. What were the economic, legal, and political challenges of developing and distributing vaccines in the face of an emerging deadly pandemic? How were these challenges addressed? And what were

30 min
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Michael Klein & Chad Bown 08 Mar 2021 • EN

On Trade with China, and Sharing Vaccines

Chad Bown of the Peterson Institute for International Economics joins Michael Klein to discuss China's role in the global economy, as well as the international cooperation involved in COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing and distribution.

26 min
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