CeCe Lyra – Samantha Downing

CeCe Lyra is a media personality, an interview host, and an author. Samantha Downing is an author and a novelist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting CeCe Lyra and Samantha Downing.

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Episodes with CeCe Lyra & Samantha Downing

Carly Watters + CeCe Lyra + Bianca Marais & Samantha Downing 29 Jul 2021 • EN

Writing Intuitively Without Plotting or Outlining - Samantha Downing

In today's Books with Hooks segment, Carly reveals that she's a bionic super agent! CeCe and Carly also discuss mixing up your sentences so they don’t all begin the same way; aiming for the quirky rather than the generic; ensuring there’s an emotional shift in each scene; the importance of getting dialogue right; choos

69 min
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