Carmel Majidi – Marwa ElDiwiny
Carmel Majidi is an engineer. Marwa ElDiwiny is an interview host. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Carmel Majidi and Marwa ElDiwiny.
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Episodes with Carmel Majidi & Marwa ElDiwiny
"Round 4" Carmel Majidi: What Makes A Good Soft Robotics Design For Real-World Apps?
"Round 4" Carmel Majidi: What Makes A Good Soft Robotics Design For Real-World Apps? by Marwa ElDiwiny
Round3: Carmel Majidi "Electrically Conductive And Compliant Hydrogel"
Round3: Carmel Majidi "Electrically Conductive And Compliant Hydrogel" by Marwa ElDiwiny
Soft Robotics With Carmel Majidi (Part2). I would like to thank you for sending such great questions. In part 2, we cover Carmel's thoughts about the field through after one year and his current focus on the algorithmic side. You can listen to Part with Carmel, he covered in details his work since one year ago https://