Christopher Freiman – Trevor Burrus
Christopher Freiman is a philosopher and an author. Trevor Burrus is a media personality, an interview host, and an editor. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Christopher Freiman and Trevor Burrus.
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Episodes with Christopher Freiman & Trevor Burrus
Idealizing the Government: Political Philosophy for the Real World (with Chris Freiman)
Chris Freiman joins us today to argue that the liberal egalitarian rejection of free market regimes rests on a crucial methodological mistake. Liberal egalitarians regularly assume an ideal “public interest” model of political behavior and a nonideal “private interest” model of behavior in the market and civil society.
Arguments for Liberty: Utilitarianism
Christopher Freiman joins us to talk about his Arguments for Liberty chapter on utilitarianism. What’s the utilitarian argument for libertarianism? What is utilitarianism? How does utilitarianism interact with rights-based approaches to morality? What are the rhetorical virtues of utilitarianism? Show Notes and Further