Buck Johnson – James H. Kunstler

Buck Johnson is a journalist and an interview host. James H. Kunstler is an author, interview host, and essayist. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Buck Johnson and James H. Kunstler.

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Episodes with Buck Johnson & James H. Kunstler

Buck Johnson & James H. Kunstler 23 Mar 2020 • EN

Ep. 97: Things Have Changed, with James Howard Kunstler

Well, this is certainly the most bizarre time of my entire life and probably yours as well. The Coronavirus and all of the things it is affecting, well, it's like nothing I've ever seen. One thing of which we can be certain is that things have changed and things will remain changed forever after this. My guest today is

46 min
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Buck Johnson & James H. Kunstler 06 Aug 2019 • EN

The Russia-gate Narrative Turns to Dust

We were promised that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin colluded to screw Hillary Clinton out of her rightful spot as President of the United States. Then we were told that we should just wait until the Mueller Report comes out. That would really implicate Donald Trump as a Russian Puppet. Then that didn't seem to turn o

30 min
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