Bryce Eddy – James Lindsay
Bryce Eddy is a media personality and an interview host. James Lindsay is an author, a media personality, and a mathematician. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Bryce Eddy and James Lindsay.
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Episodes with Bryce Eddy & James Lindsay
James Lindsay | The Christian Nationalist Trap - Part 2
Episode 262: Bryce Eddy is joined by James Lindsay to discuss the trap that is the Christian Nationalist movement and the Left's desire to instigate violence to gain more control over the American population. Putting the "MAN" back in mankind! Visit to get your free copy of Alliance Entru
James Lindsay | The Christian Nationalist Trap - Part 1
Episode 261: Bryce Eddy is joined by James Lindsay to discuss the trap that is the Christian Nationalist movement and the Left's desire to instigate violence to gain more control over the American population. Putting the "MAN" back in mankind! Visit to get your free copy of Alliance Entru